A lot of persons asked us about Ayurvedic Wholesale License.
What is Wholesale License?
A wholesale license is a license that allow a individual or firm or company to conduct wholesale, trading and distribution business in any particular field for which license is issued e.g. pharma wholesale drug license. It is issued by competent authority appointed by government for this purpose.
Pharma wholesale drug license is issued by District Drug control authority.
What is Ayurvedic Wholesale License?
There is no wholesale license for ayurvedic medicines. As we have discussed in our article : How to start wholesale business of ayurvedic medicine? , there is no such type of license for selling ayurvedic medicines in India.
You can start your ayurvedic wholesale business without any wholesale license. AYUSH department is authorized to regulate business related to ayurvedic, siddha, unani and homoeopathic medicines. AYUSH department only issue manufacturing license for manufacturing ayurvedic medicine, they don't issue retail or wholesale license for ayurvedic medicines.
Also Drug and Cosmetic Act, only describe the license require for manufacturing ayurvedic medicines and doesn't describe any license related to ayurvedic retail license or ayurvedic wholesale license.
So, if you want to start wholesale business in ayurvedic medicines then you don't require to have wholesale drug license.
Hope this information is helpful to you...
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