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Ayurvedic Medicine Company

Diabazac Syrup - Ayurvedic blood sugar control Medicine | Promote insulin sensitivity

Diabazac is an Ayurvedic syrup that is used to manage diabetes. It is made with a blend of seven herbs, including neem, karela, jamun, gudmar, chirayta, tulsi, and bel patta. These herbs have been shown to support healthy blood sugar levels, promote insulin sensitivity, and aid in weight management. Diabazac is also easy to incorporate into your daily routine, as it comes in a liquid form. Diabazac Syrup also helps with digestion and liver function. It is also easy to incorporate into your daily routine, as it comes in a liquid form. Key features of Diabazac: Made with a blend of seven Ayurvedic herbs Supports healthy blood sugar levels Promotes insulin sensitivity Aids in weight management Easy to incorporate into your daily routine Benefits of Diabazac: Supports healthy blood sugar levels Promotes insulin sensitivity Aids in weight management Enhances digestion and liver function Easy to incorporate into your daily routine List of the seven herbs and their purported benefits: Neem: B...

Top Business Opportunities in Ayush (Ayurvedic, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) Industry

Ayush (Ayurvedic, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) Industry is a rapidly growing. Thus, more and more people after realizing the importance of Ayush are getting interested in setting upon Ayurveda business. Here we are discussing top business opportunities available in ayush industry. 
  1. Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Unit
  2. Ayurvedic Medicine Marketing Company
  3. Ayurvedic Medicine Distribution and Wholesale Business
  4. Ayurvedic Medicine Retail pharmacy Store
  5. Ayurvedic Medicine Franchise Business
  6. Online Selling of Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha Medicine
  7. Yoga Classes
  8. Naturopathy Centre
  9. Unani Medicine Manufacturing Unit
  10. Unani Medicine marketing company
  11. Unani Medicine distribution and wholesale business
  12. Unani Medicine retail pharmacy store
  13. Unani Medicine Franchise Business
  14. Siddha Medicine Manufacturing Unit
  15. Siddha Medicine marketing company
  16. Siddha Medicine distribution and wholesale business
  17. Siddha Medicine retail pharmacy store
  18. Siddha Medicine Franchise Business
  19. Homeopathic medicine manufacturing unit
  20. Homeopathic medicine marketing company
  21. Homeopathic medicine distribution and wholesale business
  22. Homeopathic medicine retail pharmacy store 
  23. Ayush Clinic
  24. AYUSH Consultancy Firm/Company
  25. Cultivation and farming of herbs
  26. Raw material and Herbs Supplier Business
  27. Pansari Shop
  28. Herbs Extract suppliers and manufacturers
  29. Packaging material manufacturer and supplier for AYUSH manufacturers
  30. Export Oriented AYUSH business

Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Unit:

Ayurvedic manufacturing unit is one of the best business opportunities in ayush industry. In last decade demand of ayurvedic medicine has shown a huge jump. In India, on estimate more than 70% household uses at least one ayurvedic product per month. Survey suggest that ayurvedic industry is growing with CAGR 16.14% to reach at US$14.9Bn by 2026.

Manufacturing of ayurvedic medicine is regulated and require to take ayurvedic medicine manufacturing license for manufacturing of ayurvedic medicines. Check out complete detail for starting ayurvedic manufacturing unit by clicking here

Ayurvedic Medicine Marketing Company:

If you are thinking of starting ayurvedic medicine company and don’t have budget of setting up ayurvedic manufacturing plant then starting with ayurvedic marketing company is good option to start with. Marketing, sale and distribution of ayurvedic medicine is not regulated so you will not require to take any drug related license for starting ayurvedic medicine marketing company. You can start your ayurvedic medicine marketing company by registering your company and taking gst number only. Check out complete details about starting ayurvedic medicine marketing company by clicking here

Ayurvedic Medicine Distribution and Wholesale Business:

Ayurvedic distribution and wholesale business is also a profitable business in ayush industry. You can take distribution ship of big ayurvedic companies like Dabur, Himalaya, Patanjali, Elzac etc and start distributing or if unable to get distribution of big ayurvedic companies, there are lot of ayurvedic companies that distribution and wholesaling you can start and earn good earning. Profit of margin for distributors and wholesalers in ayurvedic medicines are approx. 8-16%. Check out in detail about starting ayurvedic medicine distribution and wholesale business by clicking here

Ayurvedic Medicine Medical Store (Retail pharmacy):

For starting allopathic retail pharmacy, one requires to take drug license. But if you want to start ayurvedic medicine retail pharmacy then you will not require to take drug license and you can start with taking a shop at prime location. Along with this you can check whether you require to take any shop related registration/license or not in your locality. You can purchase ayurvedic medicine from ayurvedic medicines distributors present in your district or territory. If you want to sell foods products also with ayurvedic medicines then you will require to take fssai registration. Check out in detail about starting ayurvedic medicine retail pharmacy store by clicking here

Ayurvedic Medicine Franchise Business:

Franchise business model generally provides monopoly rights for ayurvedic company products at a particular locality, district, territory or state. This allow to work at more freedom at particular place and earn good amount of profit. Franchise may be in the form of retail outlet, distribution rights or distribution and marketing rights basis. In either form you can associates with ayurvedic medicine company and start working at franchise basis. Check out complete detail about becoming ayurvedic medicine company franchise by clicking here

Online Selling of Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha Medicine:

E-commerce business is increasing day to day and purchasing online of herbals products and ASU (ayurevdic, Siddha and Unani) medicine are also increasing. You can easily set-up your online selling business of ASU medicines. You will need GST number and PAN for starting your online selling business. You can either sell own manufactured/marketed products or sell other ASU companies’ products by taking noc from them.
For selling online, you also have couple of options for it. You can either sell by setting up your own website/app or you can sell through any existing e-commerce website/app. Check in detail about Online Selling of Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha Medicine

Yoga Classes:

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices and disciplines. As awareness regarding health is increasing, there is increase in demand of yoga and other exercises trainers. You can set-up your own yoga classes and institute to teach yoga asanas, and earn handsome income.

Naturopathy Centre:

The naturopathy centre should be registered with the state and local governing bodies. Several licences like the fire noc, health licence etc are required to start a naturopathy centre. It should have qualified staff e.g. Naturopathy physician, Trained staff, receptionist, medical assistants, nurses, cleaners, etc

Unani Medicine Manufacturing Unit:

Unani medicine manufacturing unit requires minimum of 1200 square feet building area with additional ancillary area. You can set-up both unani medicine manufacturing unit and ayurvedic medicine manufacturing unit in single manufacturing unit with additional 400 square feet space or can set-up individually for unani medicines.
Unani medicine is a system of alternative medicine that originated in ancient Greece but is now practiced primarily in India. Check out in detail about setting up unani medicines manufacturing unit by clicking here

Unani Medicine marketing company:

Unani medicines have good demand and used in good numbers. You can set-up own unani medicines marketing company by registering your company and taking gst number. Similarly, in case of unani medicines, there is no requirement of drug related license as only manufacturing of unani medicine is regulated; sale, distribution and marketing is not regulated and doesn’t require license to do these businesses. Setting up unani medicine marketing company procedure is same as in case of ayurvedic medicine marketing company.

Unani Medicine distribution and wholesale business:

Distribution and wholesale of unani medicine is also good option to start with. You can take distribution ship of unani medicine company and start wholesale & distribution of unani medicines.

Unani Medicine retail pharmacy store:

Location is important for Unani medicine retail pharmacy also. You can search for shop at good location where sale of unani medicines are good and set-up your retail store of unani medicines.

Unani Medicine Franchise Business:

Franchise business in unani medicines are generally at monopoly basis. You can take franchise of unani medicine company and start your own franchise outlet or distribution cum marketing at monopoly basis, and start working.

Siddha Medicine Manufacturing Unit:

Siddha medicine is a traditional medicine originating in South India and practiced over centuries. The Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) of the Government of India regulates manufacturing of Siddha medicine along with other traditional systems of medicines like ayurveda and unani.
For starting Siddha Drugs manufacturing unit and get siddha drugs manufacturing licence, you should have minimum of 1200 square feet covered premises with specifications mention under schedule T of drug and cosmetic act & rules. Check in detail about setting up siddha drugs manufacturing company by clicking here

Siddha Medicine marketing company:

For setting up siddha drug marketing company, you need to register your company and take gst number, and contact siddha drugs manufacturing companies for manufacturing your products at third party basis or contract manufacturing basis.

Siddha Medicine distribution and wholesale business:

Distribution and wholesale of Siddha medicine is also a good option to start with. You can take distribution ship of siddha medicine company and start wholesale & distribution of siddha medicines.

Siddha Medicine retail pharmacy store:

Siddha drug retail pharmacy business can be started by choosing a shop at good location. You can procure siddha medicines from distributor and wholesalers of siddha medicines available at your area.

Siddha Medicine Franchise Business:

You can associate with siddha drugs company on franchise basis and start your own franchise business of siddha medicines.

Homeopathic medicine manufacturing unit:

Homeopathic medicines are regulated through AYUSH department but unlike above mentioned businesses, homeopathy medicines re regulated at all steps i.e. manufacturing, distribution and retail all are regulated and licensed is required for all these businesses.
For manufacturing of homeopathic medicines manufacturing plant, you need to take homeopathic medicine manufacturing license from ayush department. Check for complete detail about starting homeopathic medicine manufacturing license by clicking here

Homeopathic medicine marketing company:

Homeopathic medicine marketing company can be started by taking wholesale license for homeopathic medicine as marketing company primary work is to market and distribute homeopathic medicines to distributors, wholesalers, retailers and practitioners etc. You can set-up your own homeopathic medicine marketing company by taking company registration and gst number. Check in detail about setting up homeopathic medicine marketing company by clicking here

Homeopathic medicine distribution and wholesale business:

For starting homeopathic medicine wholesale and distribution business, you need to take Licence on Form 20-D is issued for sale of Homeopathic Medicines by wholesale. Application is to be submitted on Form-19-B.

Homeopathic medicine retail pharmacy store:

For retail pharmacy store of homeopathic medicines, you need to take Licence on form 20-C is issued for sale of Homeopathic medicines by retail. Application is to be submitted on Form-19-B. 

Ayush Clinic:

For setting up ayush clinic, you need qualification related for particular field in ayush. If you want to set-up ayurvedic clinic then you will require to have BAMS degree and if you want to set-up unani clinic, you need to pass out BUMS degree. Similarly in case of Siddha medicines BSMS is required and for Homeopathic clinic BHMS is required. After completing required qualification, registration under state council of concern stream is required to conduct practice and ayush clinic.
Along with above requirement, it is mandatory to receive NABH accrediting for running an Ayurveda clinic or healthcare service.

AYUSH Consultancy Firm/Company:

Depend at your experience and knowledge in ayush sector, you can start your consultancy business. If you have knowledge of plant set-up and manufacturing then you can start consultancy related to manufacturing unit set-up. If you have experience in sales and marketing then you can associate with ayush companies as marketing consultants. Likewise based upon other departments experience, you can set-up your consultancy business and earn good earning by sharing your knowledge and expertise.

Cultivation and farming of Herbs:

Ayush medicine companies require herbs and other material at regular basis. If you have background from village or have farming knowledge then farming and cultivation of herbs is good business option. You can earn much better income as compare to traditional farming. You can directly contact with ayush manufacturers to sell your herbs and avoid middle man to provide herbs to manufacturers at economical rates as well as higher profit for you.
You can start cultivation of herbs depend at environmental conditions of your area.

Raw material and Herbs Supplier Business:

If you don’t have set-up to cultivate herbs then you can work as suppliers i.e. purchase herbs from producers and supply it to ayush manufacturers. You can earn good income by stocking all types of herbs produced at different locality and other raw materials like preservatives, binders etc at one place and supply to ayush manufacturers.

Pansari Shop:

Pansari are the retailers who deals in edible oils, rice, spices, atta, redimix, ayush medicines etc. In India, pansari shop is referred as a retail counter deals in all type of traditional medicines and herbs related to that. You can set-up your own pansari business.

Herbs Extract suppliers and manufacturers:

With technology, manufacturing process of ayush medicines have been changed. In place of herbs, there extract is more convenient and reliable way to manufacture ayush medicines. You can set-up herbs extract manufacturing and supplying business to ayush manufacturers.

Packaging material manufacturer and supplier for AYUSH manufacturers:

Most of ayush medicines are sold under over the counter (OTC) products and look is critical factor for sale of ayush medicines. Packaging is one of the most important things to provide look to ayush medicines and give them a premium look. Latest and best packaging differentiate one product from other.
More than 95 percent of ayush manufacturers work at small scale and they procure their packaging material from outside sources. You can set-up your own packaging plant (offset printing/Digital printing) and supply packaging material to ayush manufacturers. Along with packaging material, you can supply promotional materials to all ayush companies whether they are marketing or manufacturing.

Export Oriented AYUSH business:

Ayush medicines are come under alternative systems of medicines in other countries. They are sold as food supplement or herbal medicines or alternative medicines in other countries. You can start exporting of herbal products and ayush medicines to other countries by setting up own ayush manufacturing or marketing company. You have take export permission from authorities in India to export ayush medicines and have to register your product in importing country before exporting ayush medicines to that country. Check in detail about how to export ayush medicines by clicking here

There are lot of business opportunities available in ayush industry. You may start with any of the above or any other business opportunity available, and start own entrepreneurship. Manufacturing sector requires high investment as compare to marketing and distribution set-up. Based upon your interest and financial position, you can choose business opportunity for you.

Hope above information is helpful to you….

Keywords: business opportunities in ayurveda, how to start ayurvedic marketing company, how to promote ayurveda business, how to start ayurvedic medical shop, how to start an ayurvedic clinic, ayurveda business in india, ayurvedic clinic license, ayurveda clinic for sale, jiva ayurveda franchise, Elzac herbals franchise



The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare practitioner for personalized guidance.

Ayurvedic Medicine Company

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Ayurvedic Medicine Company