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Ayurvedic Medicine Company

Diabazac Syrup - Ayurvedic blood sugar control Medicine | Promote insulin sensitivity

Diabazac is an Ayurvedic syrup that is used to manage diabetes. It is made with a blend of seven herbs, including neem, karela, jamun, gudmar, chirayta, tulsi, and bel patta. These herbs have been shown to support healthy blood sugar levels, promote insulin sensitivity, and aid in weight management. Diabazac is also easy to incorporate into your daily routine, as it comes in a liquid form. Diabazac Syrup also helps with digestion and liver function. It is also easy to incorporate into your daily routine, as it comes in a liquid form. Key features of Diabazac: Made with a blend of seven Ayurvedic herbs Supports healthy blood sugar levels Promotes insulin sensitivity Aids in weight management Easy to incorporate into your daily routine Benefits of Diabazac: Supports healthy blood sugar levels Promotes insulin sensitivity Aids in weight management Enhances digestion and liver function Easy to incorporate into your daily routine List of the seven herbs and their purported benefits: Neem: B...

How to promote Ayurvedic Products?

herbal products, herbal medicines, ayurvedic medicines, promotion, marketing plant

This article will helpful for you to counter your queries related to how to promote ayurvedic products, marketing plan for ayurvedic products, marketing plan for ayurvedic company, digital marketing for ayurvedic products etc.

Ayurvedic products business is booming as awareness is increasing among individuals regarding side effects of allopathic medicines. People want to consume chemical free and organic products that don’t harm their health and help them to keep healthy.

Ayurvedic products fulfill all criteria whether in FMCG section or in ayurvedic section as these are herbs made products and free from majority of side effects caused by chemical products. Currently ayurvedic products are not only providing good fight in every category of FMCG products but also to modern system of medicines.

This creates an opportunity for new comer to set-up Ayurvedic Medicine Business which is increasing competition. To beat competition, we need effective tools for promoting own ayurvedic products.

Starting Ayurvedic medicine business is not a difficult task, you can start it with easy step we have discussed in our series of articles mentioned below but promotion of ayurvedic products is a difficult task as competition is growing in ayurvedic sector.


Ayurvedic Business Start-up Articles:
Below we are discussing ways to promote your ayurvedic products. Promotion tools are generally of two types. One is internet based which we are referring as online promotion tools and second type is that are not based at internet which we are referring as offline promotional tools.

Promotional tools are as follow:

Online Promotion Tools
  • Promotion and selling through Own Website i.e. Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Paid Advertisements
  • Digital Marketing for Ayurvedic products (Blogging and Content Marketing, Use of Social Media Channels (Free and Paid Promotion) i.e. Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Youtube Channel, Linkedin Profile etc )
  • Online Selling Business2Customer Portals i.e. Listing at amazon, flipcart etc
  • Business2Business Portal Membership and Advertisements
  • E-mail Marketing

Offline Promotion Tools
  • Advertisement at news papers, TV commercials/Sponsored Programs, health magazines etc
  • Distribution through Retailers, chemist, Pharmacies (Over the Counter Sale)
  • Prescription Based Marketing (Promoting products at BAMS, Vaid, Hakim and RMP’s)
  • Ayurvedic Franchise Distribution
  • Direct Selling Business / Multi Level Marketing
  • Tele-marketing and SMS/What-app marketing
  • Educational Seminars, Promotional Events and Expo, trade fairs
  • Door to Door Marketing

Now we will discussed these tools in detail:

Online Promotion Tools 

Promotion and selling through Own Website:

Most stable and convenient type of promotion of ayurvedic products online is through own website. You have total control at every step of promotion, selling and much more but it is time consuming as well as expensive and competitive as you have to compete with big players of online selling market. Either you can promote your website for selling directly to consumers or you can optimize your website for different keywords to appoint distributors and franchise for distributing your products offline/online.

Most common way to promote own ayurvedic medicine company website is to conduct search engine optimization (SEO) by own or by hiring through digital marketing agencies. SEO is a term that is used for getting ranked website/web pages at top of Search Engine’s Page Results

Along with providing organic search result, Search Engines Pages i.e. Google, Yahoo Search, Bing, Baidu etc. also provide paid results above and/or at side bar of organically searched results. These are known as Search Engine Ads e.g. Google Ads, Yahoo Ads, Bing Ads etc. Google is most famous and powerful search engine which account for majority of search results globally. You can create Search Engine Ads account and start promoting your website.

Digital Marketing for Ayurvedic products:

Digital Marketing is a vast term which includes Search Engine Optimization (we discussed above), Blogging and content marketing, Social Media promotion (free and paid) etc. As internet is booming, online purchasing habit is also increasing worldwide. Digital Marketing is a way to create awareness about your ayurvedic products so people starts to recognize and purchase these.

Digital Marketing is combination of free and paid services. Well known digital marketing methods for brand awareness are creating a facebook page, sharing useful content through it, writing useful blogs and/or making videos for youtube channel, instagram profile etc.

You can start with creating profile at all social media websites, set-up own blog (includes vlog/podcasts) for providing useful information’s for proposed customers and sharing it with profiles created at social networks. Purpose of digital marketing is to create audience which could be converted into future customers. Facebook groups are also helpful to create audience and sell products.

Business to Customer (B2C) Online Selling Portals:

You can list your products at already established online selling portals like Amazon, Flipcart, 1mg, Healthcart etc and start to sell online through these portals. Most of B2C portals charge a certain amount of fee for listing or after order confirmation. You can enjoy good benefits from these portals if you pay some attention to promotion and optimization of your listing. Check out: How to sell ayurvedic medicines online?

Business to Business (B2B) Portals:
There are number of B2B portals who are engaged as a medium between distributors and companies. You can take create free profile at these portals but most of B2B portals provide leads only to their paid members. If you want distributors/franchise/marketing partners across India or worldwide, you can associate with any relevant B2B portal and become paid member and distribute your products.

E-mail Marketing:

One of the oldest form of internet marketing but still have huge impact and effective marketing and promotional tool. Having e-mail Id’s of proposed customers and sending them occasional mails about your promotions and offers helps to convert receivers into clients. But you should be caution to not spam them otherwise it may be misleading.

Offline Promotion Tools 

Most of Ayurvedic products fall under over the Counter Products and fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) but there are some restriction at advertisement of Ayurvedic Medicines under Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954.

Commercial advertisement, sponsored programs, paid contents is useful source for promoting ayurvedic products. You can run advertisement at TV, print media, health magazines, circulars etc as per your marketing budget. Advertisement is expensive one for small Ayurvedic Companies but if you make a marketing plan and implement it effectively then it may establish your product as a brand in market.

Distribution and Marketing Partners:

You can search for distribution and marketing partners across India or worldwide, and start promoting & distributing your products at retail counters, ayurvedic pharmacies, chemist and drug stores etc.

You can find distribution and marketing partners for your products through online marketing tools as we discussed above or you can travel to the area where you want distributors or marketing partners and meet sales professionals/distributors of ayurvedic medicines, and give them proposal to associate with you including advantages they can get by associating with you...

Prescription Based Marketing:

Not as much as like pharmaceutical marketing but ayurvedic medicines also have a strong prescription based sale. BAMS/BUMS doctors, Registered vaid/hakims and registered medical practitioners also indulge in prescribing ayurvedic medicines for their patients. A good number of ayurvedic medicines are also prescribed by MBBS and MD doctors. You can appoint own sales team or start individually to promote your products to doctors and convince them to prescribe your products to their patients. Prescription based sale also help to create a brand value for any product as it creates trust into community.

Ayurvedic Franchise Distribution:

Selling and distributing ayurvedic product can also be done through appointing ayurvedic franchisee and pcd distributors. Likewise above discussed way to find marketing partners, Ayurvedic Franchisee can also be found through online mode as well as offline mode. Check out: How to find franchise distributors?

Franchise in ayurvedic industry is of two types: One is retail outlet franchise and second is marketing rights franchise. You can choose one or both types of marketing plan for Ayurvedic Company.

Direct Selling / Multi-level Marketing Business:

Direct selling and multi-level marketing is famous term in ayurvedic sector especially for health supplements, juices and kadha, cosmetic products and other fast moving goods related to herbal and ayurvedic sector. You can promote your company as direct selling products company and start distribution products through direct sell or multi-level marketing. Check out: how to set-up multi level marketing / direct selling company here/

Telemarketing and SMS/What’s-app marketing:

Phone is an essential part of our life. At current time, mobile is our closest ally and we keep it with us all the day and night. To reach at maximum person, you can target their mobile. Tele-marketing, SMS and What’s app massaging service is useful to reach to your proposed customers directly and promote your products and services effectively. Same spamming problem is applicable in this marketing type as in case of e-mail marketing discussed above. You should be cautioned to not irritate and spam any one.

Educational Seminars, promotional events and expo:

Educational Seminars, promotional events and expo, trade fair related to ayurvedic sector are useful to promote our products and services. These events are meant for professional related to industry and if we use these effectively that would create a strong brand image at industry professionals. These professionals may include doctors, administrations, owner/director of other companies, educational sector personalities, distributors, retailers, franchise outlet owners, exporters, importer from other countries etc. Promoting and exhibiting at these places could be helpful in increasing sale and revenue for your company.

Door to Door Marketing:

One of the oldest ways, Ayurvedic companies used to do marketing with. Still door to door marketing is useful for promoting ayurvedic products and services. Door to door marketing includes visiting any locality, campaigning, meet people, showcase own product or run a awareness program, use of loud speakers, posters, stickers to describe own products and services, and encourage them to purchase products. Some most famous brands are still doing marketing of products by this way.

You can either implement one or more ways to promote your ayurvedic products and set-up your marketing plan as per needs and requirements based upon effective implements of this promotion type. Irrespective of which promotion type or marketing plan you choose for your ayurevdic company, it will require time to show results.

Be patient while implementing a marketing plan and wait.

Hope this information is helpful to you...

Related Article:

Keywords: digital marketing for ayurvedic products, marketing plan for ayurvedic company, marketing strategy for ayurvedic products, target market for ayurveda, ayurvedic products marketing companies, how to start ayurvedic medical shop, how to start an ayurvedic clinic, ayurveda business ideas


  1. Excellent, Given a complete manual for setting up a business. Thank you for giving such information.


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Ayurvedic Medicine Company